


4. Offer Referral Incentives to Current Employees   I go straight to my top tech employees and tell them that if they get a friend or someone good to work for us, they get a $10,000 bonus. We literally hand them a check the day they start working. This has driven us some of the top tech talent in the world. If they know they are taken care of and they enjoy working with you, they will refer only the best people to your company. – John RamptonHost 我直接向頂尖的科技員工說:如果他們能夠讓朋友或有才能的人進到公司來,便能取得1萬元獎勵。而我們確實會在新員工的第一個上班日,交付介紹人支票。 這個方法使我們挖掘到一些世界上頂尖的科技人才。如果員工知道公司會照料他們,且他們也喜歡與你一起工作,那他們便會介紹最棒的人才。 (23) Referral KK[rɪˋfɝəl] n. 名詞 推薦;介紹;指點 (24) Incentive KK[ɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 名詞 刺激;鼓勵;動機[U][C][(+to)][+to-v] (25) Literally KK [ˋlɪtərəlɪ] ad. 副詞 實在地,不加誇張地   5. Make a Facebook Status   My co-founders and our CTO all come from tech backgrounds, so many of our Facebook friends are fellow techies and engineers. After we post our Facebook status message stating that we’re hiring an engineer, many of our friends will repost it on their wall or tag their engineer friends in the comment section. We love hiring through our own network because it’s basically free and we can gather references quickly. – Nanxi LiuEnplug 我的共同創辦人與技術總監都來自科技背景,於是,臉書上的好友許多是同類的科技專家與工程師。當我們在臉書上張貼「工程師徵人啟事」時,許多朋友會轉貼在他們動態訊息上,或在評註區標籤他們的工程師友人。 我們喜歡透過自己的網路招募人才,因為無須廣告費,且能夠快速聚集推薦人。 (26) CTO:Chief  Technology Officer,技術總監 (27) Fellow  KK [ˋfɛlo] a.  同伴的;同事的;同類的[B] (28) Techie KK [ˋtɛki] n.  熱衷(或精通)電子學的電子迷;高科技專家   6. Go Local   We’ve tried a plethora of job boards with little success filtering through the noise. It wasn’t until we realized that there was loads of talent right on our doorstep that we began to find success with hiring. 我們在求職版上試過許多次,卻鮮少成功,且須在許多龐雜的資訊中一再過濾。但當我們發現:許多科技人才就在近身邊,我們便開始找了成功的方法 (29) A plethora of :過多 (30) Loads of :【口】大量,許多,一大堆 (31) On our doorstep:very near to where someone lives We now completely brand our business as an Oklahoma City-based start-up, making all of the local talent aware and excited about what we are doing. This has led to great developers nearly knocking our doors down in order to land a position. – James SimpsonGoldFire Studios 我們現在完全將企業標誌為以俄克拉荷馬州城市為基礎的新公司,並使當地人才認識並對我們的工作有興趣。這使得大量的開發者差點沒將我們的門檻踩破。 (32) Oklahoma KK[͵okləˋhomə] 美國俄克拉荷馬州 (33) Start-up KK [ˋstɑrt͵ʌp]  n. 新運作的公司 (34) Land a position:to find a job and be hired   7. Put the Word Out to Your Network   I let everyone in my start-up ecosystem know — from my employees to business partners and vendors. Word-of-mouth advertising is extremely cost-effective, and employee referrals are often the most valuable. – David EhrenbergEarly Growth Financial Services 我讓每一位在公司系統的人──上至企業夥伴、賣主,下至員工──知道,口頭廣告最具成本效益,而員工的推薦通常是最具價值的。 (35) Put the word out:to tell people a new piece of news (36) Ecosystem KK[ˋɛko͵sɪstəm] n. 生態系統 (37) Word-of-mouth KK[ˋwɝdəvˋmaʊθ]a.  口頭的;口述的;口傳的 (38) Cost-effective KK[ˋkɑstəˋfɛktɪv]a. 開銷適當的;有成本效益的;劃算的

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