


你害怕團體面試嗎? 一下子看到太多面試官讓你手足無措嗎? 快來看看專家(Nick Corcodilos)的建議吧,讓專家教你成為面試贏家!


Get an agenda. (了解日程)

    Having an *agenda will help you focus your attention on the *decision maker or on the person you’d be reporting to. If it helps you stay calm and focused, take questions from everyone but deliver your answers to the person you’d report to. It *relieves the pressure and stress of standing in front of a big, *impersonal group.



*decision maker 決策者

*relieves 紓解、舒緩

*impersonal 非單一人的



文章來源:QQ English

Control the interviewers by controlling yourself. (掌握好自己,就是掌握面試官)
Don’t try to perform. Be yourself. Pretend you’re in a meeting of your department and it’s your turn to talk about your work. If they try to stress you *purposely, make yourself slow down and speak calmly and softly. *Take a breath and focus on the question they’re asking you. Forget about the people in the room. Remember that what matters is not their question, but the quality of your answer.


*purposely 故意地

*Take a breath  深呼吸


Dominate the room. (控制整個場面)
Here’s one *tactic I love to use in a stressful meeting. Stand up and walk around while you talk. This can make you very *powerful, because everyone else is sitting down. If they tell you to sit down, tell them you like to stand while you work. I also like to walk up to the *board and start drawing *diagrams to *illustrate my points.


*tactic 策略、計策

*powerful 強而有力的

*board 全體委員

* diagrams 圖表

*illustrate 用圖說明

Know how to push back. (知道怎麼回到原點)

If the meeting starts to turn into a *psychological *crock, stand up, *lean forward with your *fists down on the table and say, “I’m here to help you solve your problems. If you want to stress me *realistically, put one or two problems or *challenges you’re facing on the table and I’ll show you how I’d *tackle them. If I can’t help you on this level, you shouldn’t hire me.”


*psychological 精神上的

*crock 胡說、自相矛盾的話

*lean 傾靠

*fist 拳頭

*realistically 真實地

*challenges 挑戰

*tackle 處理


說出來 學得更好

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更多英文學習:QQ English


資料及圖片來源 :1234


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