




1. Easy as pie = a task or experience is pleasurable and simple:

像「派」一樣簡單?事實上,這句話很可能是從「as easy as eating a pie」演化而來,因為吃派一向是件令人愉悅且容易的事,所以當你說「easy as pie」時,便是指一件事對你而言:簡單而令人愉悅。

it is easy as pie for me to finish the paper in 2 hours.


2. A piece of cake = Something very easy:


This test will be a piece of cake for me because I’ve been studying these past 6 months to prepare myself for it!


3. Salad days = A  time  of  youth,  innocence,  and  inexperience:

這段話源自於Shakespeare於1606年創作的舞台劇《Anthony and Cleopatra》:「My salad days, When I was green in judgment: cold in blood, To say as I said then…」,指的是:年少不更事的青春期,後常被引伸為:無憂無慮、快樂、青春的日子,或是:能力或權力都達到頂峰的一段過去時期,且並不限於年輕時。

When I was in my salad days, I did a lot of dumb things.


4. Bring home the bacon = To earn money for your family:

這句話多數被認為是起源於一種「捉滑溜豬比賽」( slippery contest ),在賽場上,誰先捉到那隻身上塗滿油脂的豬,誰就能將牠帶回家去做成薰肉,所以在當時,親人對參賽者說:Bring home the bacon,就代表:替你的家人帶點東西回來,也就是「養家餬口」的意思。

I  work 7 days a week in order to  bring home the bacon.


5. You are what you eat = What you eat affects your health:


6. Walk on Eggshells = you are being very careful not to offend someone or do anything wrong:


When doctor Lee is coming in the house, I feel like I’m walking on eggshells.

﹝ 當李醫生走進屋子裡時,我感到戰戰兢兢。﹞

7. Egg on your face=

to seem stupid or to be embarrassed because of something you have done:



He will be the one who has egg on his face, if he still insist to solve the problem in that way.


8. Eat your heart out = If you say “eat your heart out followed by the name of a famous person, you are joking that you are even better than that person:

將你的心臟吃掉?這句話乍聽下叫人毛骨悚然,事實上,這正是一句近似於「嗆聲」的話。當你對別人說「eat your heart out」,即指我能力比你強,你可以去吃X了﹝在台灣,這種句子通常接某種不雅的東西﹞!而在美國,他們則調笑對方去將自己的心臟吃掉,這句話使用的對象通常是:名人、歷史人物,意指:我的能力強過這些史上名人。

I’m learning physics. Albert Einstein, eat your heart out!

我正在學物理,愛因斯坦,你 eat your heart out吧!

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