





過海關之前,基本上行前準備資料袋都幫你備齊了所需資料,例如最重要的:LOA 入學信,


1. 你有預計待多久的時間?  How long will you stay here?  

I will stay here for ____ months. 

2. 讀哪間學校? Which school do you attend/ go?  

I study at ___________ English school/ Academy. 

3. 你有準備回程機票嗎?  Do you have your return ticket? 

Yes, here you go. (給海關看回程機票)

至於入境卡 Arrival card、行李申報卡 Customs Declaration form 內容上填寫相似,只是行李申報卡多了行李(託運幾件?行李己見?) ,

其他是一般General Declaration questions, 


1.Are you bringing in live animals, plants, fishes and/or their products and by-products?( If yes, please see a Customs Officer before proceeding to the Quarantine Office) 有無攜帶動物、植物、魚類…等產品; 如果有的話要告知海關人員並至檢疫所

2.Are you carrying legal tender Philippine notes and coins or checks, money order and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines in excess of PHP10.000.00? 是否帶超過菲幣硬幣、紙鈔、支票,或是銀行開的匯票等)總面額超過 P10000 (披索)? If yes, do you have the required Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas authority to carry the same? 如果前一項你回答”YES”; 才需要回答這題

3.Are you carrying foreign currency or other foreign exchanged denominated bearer negotiable monetary instruments (including travelers checks in excess of US$10.000.00 or its equivalent? (If yes ask for and accomplish Foreign Currency Declaration Form at the Customs Desk at Arrival and Departure areas. 有帶超過外幣或是旅行支票、超過美金$10000嗎? 如果有、需要額外填寫外國貨幣申報表

4.Are you bringing in prohibited items (firearms ammunitions and part thereof, drugs, controlled chemicals) or regulated items (VCDs, DVDs, communication devices, transceivers)? 是否攜帶違禁品(槍炮彈藥、毒品、管制化學品)或管制物品(VCDs、DVDs、網路通訊設備、無線電設備)

5.Are you bring in jewelries, electronic goods, and commercial merchandise and/or samples purchased or acquired abroad? 是否攜帶珠寶、電子用品和貨物以及貨物樣品?




宿霧海鮮必吃餐廳:海鮮吃到飽Isla Sugbu Seafood City & 桶蝦Bucket Shrimps

宿霧遊學 TOP 3 三大餐廳推薦!


感謝你選擇最專業的菲律賓遊學代辦 Goeducation ,將會有遊學專員與你聯絡,和你一同規劃最適合你的遊學行程!